


“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― R. Buckminster Fuller

Labadi Beach in Accra offers the rhythm, smell and trade of life. Nestled there for the Africa Real Estate Conference and Expo 2022 in September, I spent time catching up on where we are. Centuries perpetuating a system of man over nature has left us sprawling.

I had an epiphany in Ghana. Colonization is a destructive model of leadership, yet it remains predominate. While our lands still suffer from the hubris of conquistadors, now our minds are being exploited for profit. The colonized are conditioned to believe there are few options. The masters make sure this dependency leads to a narrow vision and limited agency. Soon many believe there is no use in taking action. Some spend futile energy in a rhetorical war with the other.

Entrepreneurial Leadership was the presentation by Bishop Eric Kwapong, Founder of Global Changemakers Africa. Stop waiting for the world to change and stop believing the hype. Leadership involves creating something new. Hans Gunnick from Medair was building mud brink housing for refugees in Sudan. Thomas Salzmann is venturing to build affordable housing from recycled plastic.

My presentation was on transformation. Transformation begins with me, then I show you, then we build a community. Step by step we build after the fall. The solution is simple. We must change our mindsets. Everything is still possible.
